Custom Hearing Protection

Did you know that one of the most common causes of hearing loss is noise? A great way to protect your ears and hearing from noise exposure is by wearing custom hearing protection.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 1 billion people globally are at increased risk of developing hearing loss as a result of loud noise exposure. Additionally, over 22 million people are exposed to hazardous levels of noise in the workplace. This highlights the importance of protecting hearing health from the noise we constantly absorb in everyday life. Noise induced hearing loss is 100% preventable and one of the most effective measures is wearing hearing protection. Our practice offers a range of services and comprehensive support that transforms hearing health. We provide custom options that offer maximum protection.
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Understanding the Impact of Noise on Hearing Health

Loud noise can irreparably damage the auditory system - the sensory system for hearing. We are constantly exposed to varying noise levels throughout the day - from traffic, to using household appliances, busy work environments, and listening to audio on electronic devices. Noise can reach levels that damage integral components of the auditory system. Sound is measured in units referred to as decibels (dB) and sound above 85dB can be dangerous for hearing. This is equivalent to traffic, a busy restaurant, and a hair dryer.
Custom Hearing Protection
Loud noise can cause hair cells in the inner ear to become desensitized. These sensory cells send auditory information to the brain which the brain continues to process. Specific portions of the brain assign meaning to sound signals, allowing us to understand what we hear. Desentized hair cells in the inner ear disrupt this process and results in the brain receiving less auditory information, producing chronic hearing loss. Unlike other types of cells we have, sensory cells in the inner ear do not regenerate. Humans are actually born with all of the hair cells we will ever have - thousands in each ear - and there are no medical treatments that can regenerate these cells. This means that any damage they experience is permanent, causing noise induced hearing loss.

Custom Hearing Protection

Fortunately, noise induced hearing loss can be prevented. One of the most effective preventive measures that can be practiced is wearing hearing protection. Research shows that most people can benefit from wearing hearing protection, this includes:
People who work in environments that are noisy

People who work in environments that are noisy

construction, transportation hubs, pilots, warehouses etc.


studies have shown that musicians can be up to 4 times more likely to develop hearing loss.
People who frequently listen to audio using electronic devices

People who need earplugs while swimming or sleeping

Custom made hearing protection

Though hearing protection can be purchased in stores, these options are ready-made and more of a one size fits all approach.

Custom made hearing protection offers a seamless fit that is both comfortable and effective at reducing the impact of loud noise. There are different types of custom hearing protection including:
Custom Earmolds

Custom Earmolds

Custom Earplugs

Custom Earplugs

Custom hearing protection is a great way to practice preventive care for your hearing. Our experts will help you navigate the options that can be best for your hearing health.
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