Preparing for Travel with Hearing Aids

September 28, 2022
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It’s been quite a change in our lives since the appearance of COVID-19 in 2020 which has interrupted just about everyone’s travel plans at least once or twice. While the virus certainly hasn’t gone away, most of us are discovering ways to get out and even start planning travel once again. Two and a half years is quite a long time for those of us who have put off our dream vacations and visited loved ones to keep ourselves and others safe.

Besides feeling out of practice, a lot may have changed since COVID came on the scene. Many of us may have discovered through the isolation period that our hearing is not what it once was. Many of us may even have started wearing hearing aids. Traveling with hearing aids takes some getting used to, so here are a few tips to help you make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Your Pre-Travel Checklist

The key to success when traveling is being prepared. This means packing as thoroughly as possible. It’s likely that if you’ve put off travel till now that the entire process may feel overwhelming but remember it can be likened to riding a bicycle. Once you get on the road it will feel natural – especially if you set yourself up for success ahead of time.

Pack Extra Batteries

Your travel adventure will go much smoother when your hearing aids are working to their highest potential. This means making sure you have ample power sources packed. If your hearing aids use replaceable batteries, make sure to pack extras in your carry-on bag for those flights, in case the unfortunate event in which your luggage gets misplaced during flight changes. For those who use models with rechargeable batteries, make sure to bring more than one charger in case one gets lost.

Prepare to Maintain Your Hearing Aids on the Go!

In addition, it’s a good idea to ensure that you have ample cleaning tools for your hearing aids. By now you should have a home practice of cleaning your hearing aids at the end of every day with a soft dry cloth and inspecting for any damage. This can keep dirt and moisture out of these important devices and help you monitor the functionality of your very important devices. This could not be more important when you get on the road. New environments and a change in routine increase the likeliness of exposing your hearing aids to more dirt and moisture than ever before.

Aside from packing cleaning tools, be sure to pack a waterproof carrying case for your hearing aids. Store them in it when you need to take them out, to limit the risk of loss or damage. Many can double and a drying case as well, containing a desiccant that can remove excess moisture and reduce the risk of water build-up causing short circuits while you are out enjoying new sights and experiences.

Pack an Appropriate Alarm

When you are out in the world outside of your routine you may need to rise on time to access some of the new experiences you have been truly looking forward to. This means an alarm clock will be needed – however, so many rely on sound as the main way of alert. Makes sure your alarm has a vibration setting that will get your attention if the high-frequency sound of your current alarm is not one you easily detect. Many who rely on their smartphone as an alarm clock can simply be sure to make sure vibration settings are turned on before they go to sleep so they can be up and prepared for every day of your well-deserved trip.

Choose Appropriate Sightseeing Activities

It’s exciting to finally be getting back out into the world now that it’s becoming easier to travel again. However, a lot may have changed in the past few years. What once may have felt easy to you may be a challenge, with new hearing loss. On the other hand, people often live with hearing loss for years before they finally treat it. You may find that certain activities such as navigating noisy crowded spaces may be easier now that you are using hearing aids. Take an inventory when planning your trip about what activities will be best for you with your current hearing ability. This can set you up for success before your even on the road. Before you embark on your journey, visit us for a hearing aid tune-up!
