Getting Ready for Your Hearing Test

September 14, 2023
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Have you just booked a hearing test? Here’s everything you can expect during a hearing test, and a few steps you can take to get ready for your next hearing evaluation.

Why a Hearing Test?

A comprehensive hearing evaluation is like a check-up for your ears. Hearing tests help detect any potential hearing issues, whether you’ve noticed a decline in your hearing ability or not. Catching problems early can make a big difference in preserving your hearing health.

What to Expect During the Hearing Test

A routine hearing test includes a few key components that can help us fully understand your hearing loss, and make the best recommendations for your hearing health.

  • Ear Inspection: Your audiologist will start by checking your ears. They’ll use a special tool called an otoscope to examine your ear canals and eardrums. It’s completely painless and feels like a tiny tickle in your ear.
  • Pure-Tone Audiometry: Next up is the pure-tone audiometry test, the classic hearing test you’ve probably seen in movies. You’ll sit in a soundproof booth and wear headphones. Your audiologist will play a series of beeps and tones at different volumes and frequencies. All you have to do is press a button or raise your hand when you hear the sounds. It’s like playing a game of “I Spy” with your ears!
  • Speech Audiometry: In the speech audiometry test, your audiologist will play recordings of spoken words or sentences through the headphones. You’ll repeat the words or sentences back to them. This helps determine how well you can understand speech at different volume levels.
  • Bone Conduction Test: If necessary, your audiologist may perform a bone conduction test. They’ll place a small device behind your ear or on your forehead, and it will send vibrations directly to your inner ear. Again, this test is completely painless. The test helps identify whether your hearing loss is due to issues in your middle ear or inner ear.
  • Results and Recommendations: After the tests, your audiologist will go over the results with you. They’ll show you exactly what sounds you can hear, and review any hearing loss you may have. If treatment or hearing aids are recommended, they’ll discuss your options and answer all your questions.

Prepping for your Hearing Test

Are you nervous about your first hearing test? Don’t be! We’re here to walk you through each step of the way. To get started, here are some things you can do ahead of time to prepare for your hearing test.

Gather Your Health History

Before your appointment, jot down your health history. Your audiologist will want to know about any past ear infections, head injuries, or medications you’ve taken, as these can affect your hearing. They’ll also ask about your family’s hearing history because hearing loss can have a genetic link.

Write Down Your Hearing Concerns

Before your assessment, take a moment to think about your hearing concerns. Are you having trouble hearing conversations in noisy places? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves? Are you turning up the TV volume louder than usual? Writing down your concerns will help your audiologist better understand your needs.

Prepare Questions

Your hearing test appointment is your chance to ask questions and get answers. So, jot down any questions you have about your hearing, hearing aids, or treatment options. No question is too small or too silly!

Bring a Buddy

If you’re a bit anxious about the test, or you want another person in the room to help you remember everything that’s said, you can bring a friend! Having a familiar face in the room can make the experience more comfortable, and two heads are always better than one.

Dress Comfortably

On the day of your appointment, dress comfortably. You’ll want to be relaxed during the test, so wear something that makes you feel at ease. There’s no need to dress up for your hearing test.

See You Soon!

Getting ready for a hearing test shouldn’t stress you out. It’s a simple assessment that can make a world of difference in your hearing health. So, relax, don’t stress, and let us walk you through it all during your next hearing test.

